

At the MBP, we have extensive experience with live mouse and preserved germplasm imports to the UC Davis campus, both from domestic and international facilities. Our staff can assist you with arranging importation to your desired UC Davis animal facility, including coordinating with campus animal health official and couriers, as well as customs documentation (if receiving from another country). Importation of germplasm by our team direct to our cryogenic archives ensures temperature control and proper handling of frozen materials, and timely access for our laboratory team to perform the necessary steps to derive your desired mouse model. MBP works closely with preferred couriers to ensure safe and timely receipt of your research models and materials.

If the health status of the exporting facility does not allow for direct importation of mice to your desired facility at UC Davis, we can rederive your line into our SPF barrier facility and either transfer derived animals to your facility or maintain a colony on your behalf.


MBP has extensive experience with exporting live mice and mouse samples (tissues, germplasm, ES cells, etc) worldwide. Our staff can assist you with arranging exportation of mice or associated samples from your facility or ours, including coordinating with the receiving facility and couriers, providing shipping supplies (animal crates, napa nectar, insulated boxes, dry ice etc.), as well as customs documentation for international deliveries. MBP works closely with preferred couriers to ensure safe and timely delivery of your research models and materials.

Please contact our project management team at to discuss your import or export needs today!